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3HGR Takedown Gewehrriemen

3HGR Takedown

Hersteller: Sonstige
Modell: 3HGR Takedown
Zustand: neu
3HGR Takedown The 3HGR Takedown is an excellent gun sling which has a few extra features that make it perfect for hunting from a tree stand or tower. When you’re not using your sling for carrying, ... ...weiterlesen
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WSK Waffen Sprenger Kirchdorf 
Klaus Sprenger

Hochstraße 1
93348 Kirchdorf


3HGR Takedown
The 3HGR Takedown is an excellent gun sling which has a few extra features that make it perfect for hunting from a tree stand or tower. When you’re not using your sling for carrying, you can tighten it against the stock. When tightened, the sling will not tangle or cause any noise during the most important moments of your hunt. In addition, the 3HGR Takedown will take up less space in your gun safe and gun case. The sling is always equipped with sling swivels, and the shoulder padding provides extra grip and carrying comfort. When you want your gun to stay safely on your back, when climbing up into a tree stand or tower for example, you can tighten the sling against your back. The same mechanism can be used for adjusting the sling length.

  • Operating temperature: -40 - +60 C
  • Chemical resistant
  • 12kk month guarantee
  • Tool free installation
  • Made in Finland

Dieses Produkt wurde vor dem 13.12.2024 auf dem Marktplatz bereitgestellt. Für Hersteller- und Sicherheitsinformationen wenden Sie sich an den anbietenden Händler.
*1 inkl. 19% MwSt.; zzgl. Versandkosten*2 differenzbesteuert gemäß §25a UStG.;MwSt. nicht ausweisbar; zzgl. Versandkosten*3 inkl. 7% MwSt.; zzgl. Versandkosten** unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers Alle Preise gelten bei Verkauf innerhalb Deutschlands, Preise für Auslandskäufe können abweichen